This week was an amazing one! Not only for Elder Filby and I but also for our
whole Zone, consisting of 9 missionary companionships. Each companionship has
out of the blue stepped it up this week and they are finding people left and
right! I am so happy to see their faith
increase. Seeing the great faith that my fellow missionaries have is only
increasing mine! I am so grateful.
Monday Elder Filby and I drove down to Bloomington and had our P-Day with the
rest of the Zone Leaders and Assistants in the mission. Some of my best friends
out here. Such positive and spiritual missionaries. We played basketball until
we had to go get ready for our interviews with President Clements. I was the
first one to be interview so we quit playing ball earlier than the rest. The
very first question President asked me was, "Do you feel you can sing the song
of Redeeming love?" What an inspired question because this is the very
topic I have been studying the past week. Found in Alma 5:9. I am happy he asked
me this because I feel stronger than I have before in my life that I am able to
sing it! Not literally, but internally I feel so happy and just want to share
with everyone what the Savior has done for me and for them! I shared this with
my Mission President as well. He then asked me what I could do to become a more
consecrated missionary. I said, "Planning." I am a horrible planner. I can't
plan worth a darn and this has been my focus for a while. Using my time more
effectively. He shared some tips with me and then I asked him a question,
"President, you have been out 1 whole year now on your mission. What have you
learned?" He snickered as to silently say, "Who's interviewing who now?" What
he told me was very special and I will paraphrase it, "I feel that I too have
learned more deeply how to Sing the Song of Redeeming love. I have seen the
promises made in my patriarchal blessing come true. That the Lord has guided not
only my foot, but my hands, and my arms and my whole being in all that I do as I
have sought Him out." He said this more fluently than I can recall, yet the
spirit witnessed to me what he told me was true.
The Next day, Tuesday, was Zone Leader Counsel (ZLC). I love ZLC. We learn so
much! It's like a mini Zone Conference put on for just the leaders in the
mission. Super powerful and spiritual. Elder Filby and I were lucky to give an
hour training during this counsel. We trained on "Finding." I started off the
training by using a lot of "Fishing" analogies because as you know we are
fishers of men.
So ZLC continued and then President stood up and said, " I just felt inspired to
share this story with you all. Last night at 3:30am I awoke wide awake. This
thought was clear in my mind, 'Effective planning will be a critical influence
in your future happiness.' It took me a while to fall back asleep, but just
seemed important to share."
WOW! That touched my heart a whole lot. To
me it felt like personal revelation because I had just been asking him about
planning and the "how to's" and the "Whys." I had to apologize to him later for
waking him up, hehe. All he did was smile and say, "Thanks Alot!"
So many
more miracles are happening and I am so very thankful to be apart of this great
work. To experience the miracles that are still happening all around! They are
real, so is our Father in Heaven and His Son and my Redeemer. What a wonderful
time it is to be alive.
I miss you all! have a great great
Elder Devin Dillard
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