Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Email from Elder Brad Dillard 7/30/12

Ohhh man! I have so much to tell all of you, I wish I had time to put it all into words.
These last few weeks have been wonderful. I don't know why my companion and I are being so blessed, but it sure does rock. Over the last few weeks, we have had many heart to heart conversations as to what each of us can do to improve, and become more converted. I think both of our testimonies have been strengthened as we told our conversion stories to each other and what it took for each of us to get out here. I am so greatful to be with a companion that knows why he is out here, and is truly converted to the gospel. He builds me up so much!
This morning, as we were having our companionship study, we got caught up talking about what it was like just before our missions, as we were preparing to come out and serve. It brought me backt to the all the wonderful and memorable experiences that I had that helped me become ready for full time service.
I really love this work. I think any missionary can admit, that there are many days where you just want to throw in the towell and call it a day. Those days are soooooo hard! But as I have gone through those days, I have come to realize why Heavenly Father gives them to us. I am convinced that whenever we are going through a hard time and feel like quiting, we are close to a miracle. Heavenly Father makes us work for each one of them. One experience that I have had recently was when my companion and I were tracting. We had spent the whole morning that Saturday out knocking doors, and had seen no success. It seemed that the only people that wanted to talk at all were those that were determined to pick us apart and prove us wrong. Then we had 3 doors in a row where people came to the door and then didnt open it. those ones are always awesome haha. So after the third one we walked back to the street and looked at each other, both of us were thinking its time to stop. But then at the same time we turned the other way and kept going. I dont know what was moving my legs because it sure wasn't me ha. The next door that we knocked on was one of the most prepared children of God I have ever tracted in to!! We had the greatest conversation on the door step in which we taught her all about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon, and the Spirit was just clothes lining all of us. It was miraculous. We left her with a prayer and set up a time to come back. It was sweeeeeeeeet!! 
Its cool that we determine our own success, not just out here on missions but throughout life. We will never quit having challenges and things will never be easy, but we have the ability to make every situation a learning experience. Faith and attitude is everything. Its so much easier said than done though. Thats what is frustrating. Anyway, my time is about up, but I want you all to know how greatful I am to be out here serving a mission. Its a beautiful thing to be out here serving the Lord. I love you all so so much. Have a good week will ya? 
Elder Bradley Dillard  

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