Sunday, July 8, 2012

5/14/12 Email from Elder Devin Dillard


Happy Late Mother's Day to Everyone!!!! Hope it was amazing! 

These are pictures from Alexandria Minnesota! I'm on the corner of 14th and Bryant where Grandpa Don Mitchell used to go to church while on his mission, haha. This isn't the original house anymore, says the owner. It burnt down in March of 2011. She did explain however that there is still some original foundation left because it was such a great base for the house. Hehe...I should of whipped out Helaman 5:12 on her. It was fun talking to her. I told her that I was with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and that this used to be one of our old churches. She said, "Oh! I didn't know that Latter-Day Saints went here, too. I thought it was just the Mormons." Turned out to be a very awesome contact and she was happy to see picture of the old baptismal font that was in the basement. She agreed to allow the missionaries to come back and see her again. Never know where that will go, but hopefully she will receive a witness from the spirit and desire to take a further look.

It is such a beautiful area in Alexandria. I don't believe I have ever seen a white swan in my life, and as we drove past a small lake, it was full of them! Beautiful white swans.

The ward there is fairly big for an area in the middle of nowhere. The city has grown very large.

This past week has been really busy and just the same ol same ol missionary work. I hope you have another amazing week!

I love you all!


Elder Devin Dillard

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