Sunday, July 8, 2012

6/18/2012 Email from Elder Devin Dillard

Why hello:D

I really love my sleep. This is why I could not be an Assistant to the Mission President, haha. We spent the the first half of last week with the Assistants, and my goodness, these Elders never sleep. Kept us up super late every night. They were up to do exchanges with us as well as prepare for Zone Conference. Zone conference was last tuesday, 12th, and all I have to say is that Elder Filby and I survived, barely, haha. We had a tough crowd of elders and sisters the first part of the morning training. We were teaching about diligence and all you could hear were crickets. Possibly because we put the righteous fear of God into them. Just kidding, Hehe, these missionaries are very very reserved compared to other groups I have seen. I felt better though as our Mission President started his training and he was receiving the same response. By the end of the day Elder Filby and I had given another training and that seemed to fire things up and the closing testimony time was very very spiritual. Some of the elders who I would have least expected to get up and bear testimony did. Very sincere testimonies too, I might add. Was a great spiritual day day for me and once again I feel I am the one who learned most, haha, I doubt that is the case, but everything seemed to relate to me and ways I could improve. Zone Conferences really have a way of smacking me in the face and saying I need to shape up, haha.

I've been trying hard to describe in words the feelings of joy I have been feeling lately. I cannot find words to do these feelings any justice.  Came across a scripture that has cause me to think a lot about this, though. I am sure I am not the only one to think this, and I am positive someone has found the answer, but I have not yet, hehe.

 Alma 5:9 
And again I ask, were the bands of death broken, and the chains of hell which encircled them about, were they loosed? I say unto you, Yea, they were loosed, and their souls did expand, and they did sing redeeming love. And I say unto you that they are saved.

These people were so happy to be freed of their sins. Their Joy was full. As is mine, because of the success and miracles I am seeing I am so happy. My problem is I cannot sing. So by singing I cannot express my feelings, at least for another person to enjoy because I would kill their ears with this voice of mine. But their is a power to music, and sometimes, most times, music expresses more than words ever can. I feel the same within my own heart. If we could only take these feelings, put them on a flash drive, and plug them into a computer to convert into words. I truly do wish to sing the song of redeeming love! Those listening wouldn't understand, and maybe I'm not making sense, haha, but if anything it will cause you to think a bit deeper this week. How happy are we? Why? Do we remember how good the Lord has been good to us? Does it cause us to sing with joy? I love this chapter of The Book of Mormon. It is truly the words of God. It is such a complex, thought provoking piece of heavenly literature.

Yesterday was an awesome Father's Day! I hope it was for the rest of you!  Had dinner at a members home along with some other member families. They stuffed me full of steak. My goodness I love meat! Their house was flowing with beef, I fear I broke the word of wisdom eating so much:D

If you have ever watched the movie "Transporter" with Jason Stathum..or however you spell his it. I'm saying this because that's the nick name I have given my companion Elder Filby, haha. He tried to "Transport" me to the spirit world last night, haha. I was about to be hanging out with the dead had he not finally put his foot on the brakes, ahhahaha. As we were pulling into a parking spot last night he went to hit the brake, but accidentally pushed the gas and the car went lurching into the grass and about to go over a sidewalk into a busy street. Pretty funny. He has some angels with him this guy.

Hope your week is amazing!!!!

Love you all this much!   <-----------------Infinity---------------------->

Elder Devin Dillard

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