Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7/16/12 Email from Elder Brad Dillard

Being on a mission is so fun.  It's just the best! We really had a good week, not as much success as we had planned for, but we still had a lot of fun, and had a lot of growing experiences. My testimony of prayer really sky rocketed this week, as I had to rely completely on Heavenly Father to keep me going. There was one day, where I just wasn't having a good day, and to be honest, my attitude toward the work wasn't very good, and I just wasn't happy. It was terrible! We went to visit this less-active family that we have been trying to contact for a long time now, and finally we caught them at home, so I was really excited. When we knocked on the door and the door was opened, we were exposed to a pack of ravenous chiauas ha ha. Its funny now, but at the time, 3 little rat dogs latching onto my pants and tearing them up and making it impossible to have a conversation with this woman that we having been trying to see for so long, just set me off. So I got my pants chewed on, and we missed our opportunity to talk with this less-active and I am not sure when we will get another chance. But thank goodness for prayer!! I heatedly walked back to the car, and some how through the rage I was able to just stop and say, "Elder Herrera, I need to pray." As soon as I started praying, the feelings of frustration and disappointment left immediately. It was so amazing to see how quickly Heavenly Father answered my desperate prayer to have the Spirit back, and the rest of the day went good! 
I am so thankful that we have a loving Heavenly Father that we can speak to directly. I don't know how I would make it out here if we were able to do that. What a blessing that is to all of us, to be able to have control over our relationship with our God. He wants to bless us and to hear from us, but he is just waiting for us to talk to him! The more time we spend on our knees pleading Him to help us, the better. Anyway, we had a great week. We found a few new investigators this week from our own efforts and through the members. One of them being a small, frail, sweet 86 year old woman. She is great! We had our first lesson with her last night, and because she is hard of hearing we had to get really close to her to the point where our knees our basically touching and yell at her so she can hear what we are saying ha ha. It was great. She has a strong belief in God and a real desire to live righteously and is eager to learn the Gospel, and we are excited to teach her. 
I love you all very much. Thanks for all the emails and letters! Talk to you next week!
Elder Brad Dillard  

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