Monday, October 29, 2012

Email & Photos from Brad Dillard 10-29-12

                                         Brad with his Halloween candy and pumpkin carving tools
                                          Brad and missionary companion
                                          Perfect Halloween party costumes
                                          Before snow.....
                                          After snow.........

Hello! This has been another great week. This has been a week of goal setting. I have thought and prayed much about what I want to accomplish out here on my mission. One of those goals includes getting in the habit of making my bed every morning. How do you like the sound of that mom? haha. I have never in my life been good at that. But I have made my bed every day for the last week. Man its awesome. A clean apartment and a made bed really does make a difference, it makes the apartment a brighter and happier place. Another one of those goals includes memorizing at least 5 scriptures a week. Last week I memorized 10! I mostly memorized another one this morning. Being able to quote scriptures, not just know where they are, is a lot of fun!  I got a lot more I am working on.
We had an awesome ward Halloween party/chili cook off on Saturday. That was a lot of fun. This tiny ward really gets good turn outs to ward functions, I have been impressed. There was a good number of non members there and a good number of less-active members there as well which was so awesome. I love that ward members aren't afraid to invite their non member friends to come to the church. We went around and got to meet them and we hope that some good will come of it.
Well there is so much else that happened but I am out of time! I love you all!
Have a good week!
Elder Dillard #2

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